When I just decided to make my art site at http://9go.ru – I got the name Nine Galleries Online. But then I thought, why nine? And exactly today I realized that nine galleries are nine different art objects that I create. The difference goes not only in the medium, but also in the type of work. I do not paint oil on line art, and I do not paint on the canvas with an isograph. That is, my nine different galleries contain not so much different techniques (oil, acrylic, graphics, etc.), but also a group of similar objects (paintings on canvas, on paper, clothes) and a group of essentially an art object (painting, drawing , sketch, pattern, etc.).
My nine galleries give you a more or less complete picture of what I’m doing. Sometimes it can be difficult for me to choose which gallery to upload the work to, as it is obtained by a mix of several. In such cases, I choose the gallery where the work is more suitable in spirit. Of course, any classifications of creativity are rather arbitrary, because the artist does not choose clearly “today I will create a pattern, and tomorrow a portrait in oil on canvas” … The artist feels the desire to plunge into the universe of creativity, and what kind of paper or canvas will come to his hand, I I think not so important. And what happens at the output – either a lineart, or a pattern … Who knows?